The Influence of Robot Personality on the Development of Uncanny Feelings
Paetzel-Prüsmann, Maike and Perugia, Giulia and Castellano, Ginevra
Computers in Human Behavior , 2021[PDF]
@article{Paetzel-2021, title = {The Influence of Robot Personality on the Development of Uncanny Feelings}, author = {Paetzel-Pr{\"u}smann, Maike and Perugia, Giulia and Castellano, Ginevra}, journal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, volume = {120}, pages = {106756}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Elsevier}, issn = {0747-5632}, doi = {}, url = {}, topics = {}, domains = {}, approach = {}, project = {} }